
The British health authority MHRA has recently published a statement in its blog, which reports about insufficient measures to avoid cross contamination in multipurpose facilities. This has been noticed in recent inspections.


A US company received an FDA Warning Letter because of problems at their CMO that were not detected in time.


Swissmedic has announced that inspections will again be carried out on site, provided that appropriate protective measures are observed.


The unpopular deficiency letters of the FDA contain numerous standard formulations and follow a fixed scheme in their structure. Read more here about the structure of the Warning Letters and why their reading can be very useful in preparing for an FDA inspection. 


A manufacturer of homeopathic drugs and hormone preparations in the USA has received a Warning Letter from the FDA due to several GMP violations. Among other things, highly active drugs were produced on the same equipment as the other products.


The FDA has published a Q&A document with respect to inspections, pending drug applications, and changes in manufacturing facilities for approved pharmaceutical products.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a Warning Letter to a firm that manufactures and distributes OTC products. The Warning Letter summarizes significant violations of current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP). The company failed, amongst others, to have the proper controls in place to prevent the unauthorized manipulation of laboratory raw electronic data. Furthermore, the laboratory management could not provide an adequate explanation for several unofficial HPLC injections.


Inspectorates are restarting domestic on-site inspections. Announcements were made by FDA and MHRA.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning letter to Washington Homeopathic Products, Inc. due to specific violations of CGMP regulations. These violations include failure to establish an adequate quality control unit, failure to conduct at least one test to verify the identity of each component of a drug product, and failure to establish and document the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility of test methods.


In the course of an inspection by the responsible supervisory authorities, considerable deficiencies in GMP compliance were discovered at a Polish manufacturer of non-sterile dosage forms.
