
The EMA has updated its Q&A document on the implementation of the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland and clarified the recognition of inspections.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has once again stopped a delivery of hand sanitizers with too low alcohol content. The Mexican manufacturer received a Warning Letter.


Version 14 of the "How to do" Document - Interpretation of the ICH Q7 Guide and "Review form" for APIs, which has been available since the beginning of the year, mainly includes additions and updates in the chapters 11, 15 and 16. The How to do document is intended to facilitate the implementation of the ICH Q7 Guide and lists recommendations on how to interpret it.


Although the FDA currently conducts virtually no inspections, Warning Letters continue to be issued; in January, for example, to a pharmaceutical manufacturer in Florida.


In January, the Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention/Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-Operation Scheme (PIC/S) published a revised version of its Aide Memoire "Inspections of Biotechnology Manufacturers".


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pays close attention to what is inside hand sanitizer products imported into the United States. Recently, a product labeled as containing 75% ethanol, but in fact contained only 58%, was detained and refused admission at the border. As a consequence, the Chinese manufacturer received a Warning Letter.


With an updated Guidance document, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plans to improve communication with industry.


In a report published end of January, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) asks the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to review its inspections approach during the pandemic.


Wholesalers must ensure that their Quality Management Systems (QMS) is aligned with the GDP requirements. Otherwise, this can lead to a GDP Non-Compliance Report, as a recent example entered into the EudraGMDP database by the Romanian authority shows.


The Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) has published an English version of a Procedure for Remote Inspections.
