
The US FDA inspected a CGT manufacturer of CAR T cells used in a Phase 2 clinical trial in November 2023 and has now issued a Warning Letter due to GMP violations.


The FDA issued a Warning Letter in response to a large number of deficiencies found during an inspection at an Indian manufacturer with aseptic production - and which were not answered with a sufficient catalogue of measures.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a Warning Letter to a U.S. manufacturer. The company failed to conduct necessary quality testing on their drug products, including testing for active ingredients and raw materials. Additionally, there were issues related to process validation, equipment cleaning, and facility maintenance.


After inadequate root cause analyses had already been the subject of a Warning Letter from the FDA in mid-August, another one was published just a few days later. This time for a company in the US.


A company in Italy recently received a Warning letter from the FDA because, among other things, deviations were insufficiently investigated.


The Warning Letter of the US FDA to a manufacturer of non-sterile medicinal products contains a whole series of deficiencies. From microbiology to stability, various areas of quality control and quality assurance were not in compliance with GMP requirements.


A manufacturer of pharmaceutical OTC products in Puerto Rico received a Warning Letter from the US FDA in June due to serious GMP violations. The inspection had already taken place in April 2024.


At the beginning of August, the FDA issued a Warning Letter to a US company that had shown deficiencies in the areas of product and process control through to stability analysis during an inspection. The Warning Letter was a result of the company's inadequate response after receiving a 483 form following an FDA inspection.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a Warning Letter to a Jordanian manufacturer of over-the-counter (OTC) drug products for significant violations of Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP). The letter highlights violations related to laboratory and stability testing, raising concerns about the safety and quality of the company's products.


A US company received a Warning Letter because of problems at their CMO. The FDA points out that companies are responsible for the quality of the drugs regardless of agreements in place with CMOs.
