
The European Commission has published an Aide-Memoire to help both manufacturers and inspectors to verify compliance with the safety features regulation.


Quite a few authorities in the health care sector come for GMP inspections also to foreign countries. Here you can read what Russian inspectors will expect.


The US FDA has recently published a Warning Letter describing the deficiencies observed during an inspection performed in September 2018 at a US pharmaceutical manufacturer. One serious deficiency concerns leaking product containers. Furthermore, defects in the stability programme, in the CAPA system and in data integrity have also been reported.


The FDA has confirmed two other EU Member States to carry out GMP inspections at a level equivalent to that of the US. Only two states are still missing to implement the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) between the FDA and the EU.


In May, the FDA published a Warning Letter to a US American sterile manufacturer of ophthalmic drugs which highlights serious deficiencies, especially in sterile production and in the general understanding of GMP. Read more here.


Due to fundamental GMP deficiencies, the FDA has issued a Warning letter to a US manufacturer of homeopathic drugs for human and veterinary use.


Due to the deficiencies discovered during an inspection performed in July 2018, the US FDA has now issued a Warning Letter to a US pharmaceutical manufacturer of homeopathic drug products. Microbiological impurities in the products and the water used to manufacture the medicinal products are an essential aspect of the complaint.


With the Mutual Recognition Agreement between Europe and the USA, inspections are to be mutually recognised in the future. The FDA's approval of the EU Member States proceeds successively. Two more countries have recently been approved.


The FDA has recently issued another Warning Letter to an US pharmaceutical manufacturer describing serious GMP deficiencies. This concerns among others the water system, the QC laboratory and quality assurance.


The FDA has published a Warning Letter to a manufacturer of umbilical cord blood products for therapeutic use in humans due to deficiencies in the classification and manufacture of the products.
