
The frequent occurrence of particles in sterile injection solutions and the inadequate investigation of the cause led to a Warning Letter to a sterile manufacturer in Japan. In addition, data integrity breaks and falsifications had occurred in the environmental monitoring.


Stability studies of pharmaceuticals are a well-established discipline and, of course, an important regulatory requirement. Nevertheless, an evaluation of the last two fiscal years shows that deficiencies in the stability program are mentioned in numerous FDA 483s.


The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently published a Warning Letter to a manufacturer of over-the-counter (OTC) drug products. The letter summarizes significant violations of current good manufacturing practices (CGMP) concerning finished drug product testing, identity testing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), and stability testing.


In a recent Form 483 issued as part of an FDA inspection conducted at an Indian sterile manufacturer, the FDA criticized the manual visual inspection, among other things.


Observations made by the inspector during an FDA inspection are listed on the FDA Form 483. An evaluation of the last two fiscal years shows that a lack of scientifically sound laboratory controls and not following/documenting laboratory controls are often mentioned in such FDA 483s.


Sampling of materials is one of the most important processes in pharmaceutical companies. An Indian company received a so-called 483 FDA report due to inadequate sampling plans for raw materials and intermediates. Furthermore, the FDA criticises that components used in manufacturing are not tested and released prior to use.


The EU will extend GMP and GDP certificates until the end of 2022 due to ongoing pandemic restrictions. The relevant document has been updated for this purpose.


The new regulatory framework for veterinary medicinal products requires several changes to the EudraGMDP database. One important change is the integration of EudraGMDP into the EMA's Organization Management Service (OMS).


The "Access Consortium", a consortium of the regulatory authorities from Australia (TGA), Canada (HBFB), Switzerland (Swissmedic), Singapore (HSA) and now also the United Kingdom (MHRA), published a three-year plan regarding planned common approaches and goals.


The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Federation (IPEC Federation) announced the availability of the revised IPEC Good Distribution Practices Audit Guide for Pharmaceutical Excipients.
