Will Cannabis for Recreational Purposes be available in German Pharmacies?

Experts see both opportunities and risks in the controlled distribution of cannabis for recreational purposes to adults in Germany. According to the German Liberal Democrats (Freie Demokratische Partei, FDP), however, adults should be able to purchase cannabis for recreational purposes at pharmacies and specially licensed shops. On 21 June 2021, a hearing was held in the Gesundheitsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestags (Health Committee of the German Parliament) regarding this proposal.

FDP proposal for licensed distribution of cannabis in Germany

According to the FDP, adults should be able to purchase cannabis for recreational purposes at pharmacies and specially licensed shops. According to experts, the controlled distribution of cannabis as a recreational drug would present opportunities and risks. These were among the issues discussed at the hearing.

But what would be the quality requirements in the case of a licensed distribution in pharmacies to adults for recreational use? Would the same requirements apply as for medical cannabis like for example declaration of the levels of API (THC / CBD) in the herbal drug? What would the quality control requirements be? Would the "recreational" cannabis also have to be produced under GACP / GMP?

The FDP proposes that the maximum content of THC and other health-endangering ingredients should be set by law on a scientific basis. The maximum amount of possession should not exceed 15 g of cannabis for private individuals. In addition, a cannabis tax is to be introduced.

The statements on the hearing are available on the website of the German Bundestag.

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